How to get the Maven Version of a project in Jenkins

0 votes

Can the Jenkins build be aware of the Maven version number of a project after processing the POM?

Aug 9, 2018 in Jenkins by Tyrion anex
• 8,700 points

3 answers to this question.

0 votes

Follow the below steps:

1.      Install the Groovy plugin

2.      Add a Post Step to your Maven build of type Execute **system** Groovy script

3.      Paste in the following snippet of Groovy:


import hudson.model.*;
import hudson.util.*;
def thr = Thread.currentThread();
def currentBuild = thr?.executable;
def mavenVer = currentBuild.getParent().getModules().toArray()[0].getVersion();
def newParamAction = new hudson.model.ParametersAction(new hudson.model.StringParameterValue("MAVEN_VERSION", mavenVer));

The build environment variable called MAVEN_VERSION will now be available for substitution into other post-build steps in the usual manner (${MAVEN_VERSION}).

answered Aug 9, 2018 by Sophie may
• 10,620 points
0 votes

Since the groovy script is a bit complex in my view,You could also do it this way :

MAVEN_VERSION=head "<your_project_name>" pom.xml | grep A -2 -B 2 | grep version | cut -d\> -f 2 | cut -d\< -f 1-commit-"echo $GIT_COMMIT"

Assuming that you have your project name within a line or two above/below version like a normal pom:


You can use grep command to suck the version number with it.

answered Jul 31, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
+3 votes

Here is a snippet from our Jenkins declarative pipeline:

steps {
    sh "mvn -N help:effective-pom -Doutput=target/pom-effective.xml"

    script {
        pom = readMavenPom(file: 'target/pom-effective.xml')
        projectArtifactId = pom.getArtifactId()
        projectGroupId = pom.getGroupId()
        projectVersion = pom.getVersion()
        projectName = pom.getName()

    echo "Building ${projectArtifactId}:${projectVersion}"

Because this code lets Maven perform all interpolations, the result is a clean model with everything resolved. So it works even with properties in version.

answered Oct 4, 2019 by Petr Doležal
Thanks, that was helpful... I have upvoted your answer :)

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