Customize menu based on BLE device Authentication

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I am working on an Identity management system and there is a module in this system, in which I do not want to expose certain services until I am securely paired/bonded to a valid device. The problem is that during discovery, it seems that all primary services are exposed to the client in order for it to finalize the connection. 

Is there anyway to hide some services until a later time?

Thanks in Advance...!!!

Aug 7, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Matt
• 2,270 points

edited Aug 17, 2018 by Matt 637 views

1 answer to this question.

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You may dynamically change contents of the GATT database while connected. GATT service and GATT "Service Changed" characteristic will be used to notify client of such changes ([Vol 3, Part G], 7.1).

Hiding service before bonding does not add anything useful wrt having a service with authenticated access only. In both cases, you'll need to bond to use it, but managing access rights rather than handling GATT db change is better tested in implementations (if supported at all).

So yes, in theory, you may change service exposed in your GATT db once bonded, but I'd rather not rely on it.
answered Aug 7, 2018 by anonymous2
• 4,240 points

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