What are the different ways of Installing Hadoop into our local machine

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I'm new to Hadoop and trying to install it on my local machine. I see that there are many ways of installing Hadoop like install VMWare Horton works and install Hadoop on top of that or install Oracle virtual box, Cloudera and then Hadoop. My question is that is it mandatory to install a virtual box for running Hadoop? To put it the other way, does Hadoop run only on Linux OS like Ubuntu, Redhat etc or can I install Hadoop directly on Windows(without ant virtual box)?
Aug 4, 2018 in Big Data Hadoop by Neha
• 6,300 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hadoop runs on Unix and on Windows. Linux is the only supported production platform, but other flavors of Unix (including Mac OS X) can be used to run Hadoop for development. Windows is only supported as a development platform and additionally requires Cygwin to run.

If you have a Linux OS, you can directly install Hadoop and start working. If you have Windows OS and do not know Linux(but eventually you have to learn), then you use a virtual box or VMware, to have a virtual Linux machine running on your windows machine.

Also, if you have a cluster setup, at some remote machine, then you just need putty, to try out all the hadoop features :) from shell.

Virtualbox or vmware is not mandatory to install/configure hadoop. Generally people use Virtualbox to create multiple virtual machines and setup hadoop cluster for experiment purpose.

Hadoop run on OS other than Redhat/ubuntu e.g. Mac OS, Windows.

answered Aug 4, 2018 by Neha
• 6,300 points

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