How to create action button in Power BI

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How to create action button in Power BI?
Jun 20, 2019 in Power BI by Raghav

1 answer to this question.

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Hi Raghav,

Follow the below steps:

1. Click on the button in Power BI and choose the respective type of button.

2. Once you create a button, a visualization menu is seen on the right side of the screen.

3. Make Button text on and Enter text and edit the different headings under Button text.

4. Go to Actions drop down and set the type of action from the drop down.

5. The button is ready to be used.

Try out different buttons and check out their use in Power BI

For more information visit here,

Hope it helps you!.

If you are interested in learning Power BI then check out Power BI Course now!

answered Jun 20, 2019 by Cherukuri
• 33,030 points
can i trigger an event , if i click on this button ? and can i query a  file system folder and reada csv file on click of this button.

Hi, @Samolpp,

You can import any csv file to the SQL server and then query it. A CSV file can be connected directly with the Power BI query editor simply using the GUI. I'm not sure why you want to get SQL involved as an intermediate step!

Hey, @Samolpp,

Using PBRS, you can choose to send out PowerBI output when an event happened, Simply create an event-based schedule and choose the condition type from the drop-down

I also have a requirement to have an intermediate step, like an upload button to browse from my system's file system and upload an excel file just to do an import to PowerBI, instead of importing from PowerBI inbuilt feature. is it possible in PBI desktop?

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