Django and IoT

+1 vote
So I'm attempting to make an industrial project in IoT which contains thousands of devices and I'm thinking of using Django on the server side of it. Does anyone think it's a good idea?
Jan 23, 2019 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Shubham
• 13,490 points

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

You can use any framework that fits your requirements, it could be Django or any other as long as it suffices the need of the project.

answered Jan 23, 2019 by Upasana
• 8,620 points
I am looking at (IOT and DJANGO) and also (IOT and node.js).

For me I may used DJANGO, because I use python a lot.

But looking at node.js plugins, its hard to not select this package.
Hey, this completely depends on your requirements. If your IoT device is just transferring or streaming data then it's better to go for NodeJS. But you need your device to do heavier calculations and possessing then its better to for Django.
Also since you are using a lot of python, it's better to go for Django.

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