How can i create a loop to reconnect the connection string if it is time out

+1 vote
Hi Team,

I am using  UI Path studio for an use case where i need help for below.

Can you please help me in how to reconnect/ reiterate the connection if the connection string times out.In detail I have created a sequence and used connect to create an database connection to connect with teradata.

Usually it executes but when it is unable to connect to database it fails with error connection timed out and the process stops. Here can we set up an condition like sleep where in it will wait for some time and reiterate the connection on its own till it is established.
Feb 19, 2020 in RPA by Ranadheer
• 130 points
Hey @Ranadheer, have you tried specifying the Connect Activity ( here connection string is written and also try to increase connection timeout here)?

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