Hey @Manish, the different type of variables supported by UiPath Studio are as follows:
- Text Variables: A text variable can store only strings and can be used to store any information such as employee names, usernames or any other string.
- Boolean Variables: A Boolean variable, also known as True or False variable, only has two possible values, true or false and enable you to make decisions, and thus have a better control over your flow.
- Number Variables: A Number variable, also known as Integer or Int32, and are used to store numeric information. They can be used to perform equations or comparisons, pass important data and many others.
- Array Variables: An Array variable enables you to store multiple values of the same type together. UiPath Studio supports as many types of arrays as it does types of variables.
- Date & Time Variables: The date and time variable enables you to store information about any date and time. They can be used to append dates to invoices or any other documents you may be working with and are time-sensitive.
- Data Table Variables: DataTable variables can store big pieces of information, and act as a database or a simple spreadsheet with rows and columns. These variables can be useful to migrate specific data from a database to another, extract information from a website and store it locally in a spreadsheet and many others.