So, I want to disable the neighbour advertisement and neighbour solicitation in contiki. What configuration should I disable in the config file of my app?
Set the variable UIP_CONF_ND6_SEND_NA to 0.
down vote I dont know if I understood ...READ MORE
You can check if wifi is connected ...READ MORE
Try this code Snippet I found here: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/27a8b7a8-8071-4bc1-bbd4-e7c1fc2bd8d7/windows-10-iot-core-how-do-you-create-a-tcp-server-and-client?forum=WindowsIoT ...READ MORE
Hey, I think its alright! Your Raspberry Pi ...READ MORE
I don't think there's a standard way to ...READ MORE
You can access the list of clients ...READ MORE
I can't really find an immediate problem ...READ MORE
Try something like this. #include "uip-ds6-nbr.h" #include "nbr-table.h" uip_ds6_nbr_t *nbr ...READ MORE
Finding the mac-address would probably work. Basically, ...READ MORE
Orion in itself has no such mechanism ...READ MORE
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