I want to use __dir__. I don't ...READ MORE
I want to retrieve data from multiple ...READ MORE
I installed Virtualmin and phpmyadmin separately using ...READ MORE
I want to know how unset affects ...READ MORE
What is the best way to remove ...READ MORE
I installed Fedora 14 and installed the ...READ MORE
I get an error: SMTP server response: 530 ...READ MORE
As it automatically sets it for me ...READ MORE
I'm using Apache2, php5, and MySQL. Every time I try ...READ MORE
I am trying to connect MySQL Database ...READ MORE
My CollectionController looks like this . <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use ...READ MORE
I am working on creating an application ...READ MORE
What is the best way to get ...READ MORE
What's the correct way to round a ...READ MORE
I want to create a PDF file ...READ MORE
I have two dates on the form: Start ...READ MORE
I need to send an email using SMTP. ...READ MORE
I am working on creating config file ...READ MORE
I use Notepad++ for code editing, I need an ...READ MORE
The following script is generating a warning ...READ MORE
I am working on creating a database ...READ MORE
The file_get_contents("php://input") or $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA - which one ...READ MORE
I am working on a function where ...READ MORE
Why should we write $var_name = value; ...READ MORE
Case I: <?php if ( $fileSize > 100 ) { ...READ MORE
The variable: "$num_rows" is not even being ...READ MORE
In project of PHPOffice there are two projects associated ...READ MORE
I wanted to make an active page ...READ MORE
Can someone please share with me any ...READ MORE
This is the Content of my .htaccess file is: ErrorDocument ...READ MORE
The callback function in array_filter() only passes in the ...READ MORE
I want to create and save a file ...READ MORE
How can I create an object in ...READ MORE
How does PHP or any other language ...READ MORE
I made a registration validation in PHP. ...READ MORE
I have a PHP app that creates ...READ MORE
How can I profile a PHP script? I tried the microtime function: then ...READ MORE
I have this script on one free ...READ MORE
I tried this, but it didn't work: <input ...READ MORE
What is autoload in PHP? READ MORE
How can I convert one date format ...READ MORE
I have an array named players, what ...READ MORE
list.php: A simple ajax code that I ...READ MORE
php artisan cache:clear Is there any workaround to ...READ MORE
I have a login and sign-up form and ...READ MORE
I want to get the length of ...READ MORE
I have a login system built and ...READ MORE
When I use: session_name( 'fObj' ); session_start(); _SESSION['foo'] = 'bar'; Subsequently ...READ MORE
I was trying to install Laravel in ...READ MORE
I am getting a parse error, and ...READ MORE
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