Hello @kartik, The checked property of a checkbox DOM element ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, The user-contributed section in the manual ...READ MORE
Hello, Here is a code sample of a good ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Setting the bind-address to the server's network IP ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, A lesser known trick is that ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Use this: DESCRIBE table; You can also use SHOW ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Find the index of the array element you ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Multiple files can be selected and ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, It should be as simple as ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Laravel 419 post error is usually ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You can use this query to ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You should probably use pymysql - Pure Python ...READ MORE
Hello, Try to display the website first on ...READ MORE
Hey, The way by which PHP can assign ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, This will actually get the result ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Instead of method: "post" you need to use type: ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, From the mysql console: mysql> use DATABASE_NAME; mysql> ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, What you need to do is ...READ MORE
Hello @aakash, You are not sending the variable ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You can reset the counter with: ALTER ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You can use the parse_url() and parse_str() for that. $parts = ...READ MORE
Hello, niroj. Here is my idea session_start(); $_SESSION['USERNAME'] ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, We setup wildcard DNS like they ...READ MORE
Hello, Prior to PHP 7 type hinting can only be ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Use the toSql() method on a QueryBuilder instance. DB::table('users')->toSql() would return: select * ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, This should work in SQL Server: update ...READ MORE
Hello kartik, Use session_id(), it returns an empty string ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, In SQL Server, use MERGE MERGE INTO YourTable ...READ MORE
Hello, To convert a date retrieved from MySQL ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, No. That will drop the table only ...READ MORE
Hello, You can use TestCase instead PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase // use the following namespace use ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, From your description of being redirected ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, The permissions for the storage and vendor folders should stay ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, It is actually a permission issue. ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You can relocate it by editing ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, Consider the following query: $iId = mysql_real_escape_string("1 ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You may get this error because ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You can also do this via ...READ MORE
Hello. These are configurable variables in php.ini: ; with ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, The best way to save data ...READ MORE
Hello, Just use php composer.phar require For example : php ...READ MORE
Hello, mysqli_pconnect() function is used for making a persistence ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, For your specific query, you can ...READ MORE
Hello, To turn the actual display of errors ...READ MORE
Hii @kartik, Use the session_set_cookie_params funciton to set the session. If necessary call this function ...READ MORE
Hello, Considering that you have $replaced = array('1' => ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, I had the same error when ...READ MORE
Hello, Error occurred here was due to the ...READ MORE
Hello kartik, Actually there are many functions that ...READ MORE
Hii @kartik, The $_REQUEST variable is used to read the ...READ MORE
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