How to filter parameter for different date ranges

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I am trying to set up a filter or parameter for different date ranges in Tableau, such as:

  1. Previous Week
  2. Previous 4-Weeks
  3. Previous 8-Weeks

Based on the most recent data in the database. Is it possible to only have these options in the filter and have it based on the maximum date in the database?

Jun 21, 2018 in Tableau by ghost
• 1,790 points

1 answer to this question.

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  1. Create a parameter control that the users will use to change the selected date range. I created this as a list of strings with values that I can use directly in a calculated (after simple casting):

enter image description here

  1. Create a calculated field that you will use as a filter that references the selection of the parameter control. It tests to see if the difference (in weeks) between the maximum date in the view and the date of any given row is less than the value of the parameter.

enter image description here

Calculation: INT([Date Filter Parameter]) > DATEDIFF("week",ATTR([Date Field]),WINDOW_MAX(MAX([Date Field])))

  1. Place the calculated field in the filter box and set it to True.

You will be able to filter your data like so:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Original Answer

Yup - that is built into Tableau.

Add your date to the filter and select the "Relative Date" option:

enter image description here

You can set the defaults - users can change these later:

enter image description here

Then just "Show Filter":

enter image description here

answered Jun 21, 2018 by Atul
• 10,240 points

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