display the count of rows matching some criteria

+1 vote

am new to POWER BI. Am having a csv file and i want to achieve the table/slicer with having matching some criteria.

one column in csv file called Errormessage :

it contains below values: 

Errormessage                               startdate

 File -- productid is empty             5/5/2019 
 File -- productid is empty             9/25/2019
 File -- productid is empty             6/18/2019 
 File -- productid is empty             3/11/2019
 File -- productid is empty             2/10/2019
 File -- Connection to DB failed     2/9/2019
 File -- Connection to DB failed     1/8/2019
 File -- Connection to DB failed     4/7/2019
 File -- productid is empty              6/9/2019
 File -- productid is empty             5/8/2019
 File -- productid is empty              7/5/2019
 File -- productid is empty               5/7/2019
 File -- Connection to DB failed        5/6/2019

now, i want to display either in a  slicer/table(i donno which one should i use) the count of ErrorMessages matching cellvalues

"File -- Connection to DB failed" .

also, i wanna display in another table  with startdates and Errormessage column value "File -- productid is empty" .

Aug 3, 2019 in Power BI by prasad
• 130 points
You want to show dates for each message in different tables or show the number of dates for each in one table?

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

Do you want to show a table with the count of error messages for each type like below?

Using slicer will show only one errormessage for all tables, so you should not use slicer for your question. [like below]

To show dates of each error in different table, follow below steps:

1.Select table visualization, click on Errormessage and startdate and make the table twice( by ctrl+c & ctrl+v).

2. Now clcik on any one of the table, thrn go to visual filters -> Error message -> Select anyone of the message type.

repeat the same with the other table, then you can see dates for different error messages in separate tables.

Hope it helps!. Any queries do revert back.

answered Aug 5, 2019 by anonymous
• 33,030 points

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