How to perform debugging on workflows in UiPath studio

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Which all tools are present in UiPath studio to debug any workflow and how they can help in debugging?
Mar 28, 2019 in RPA by Nisha

1 answer to this question.

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Hey @Nisha, Debugging process identifies and removes errors from a given project. Before attempting to debug a workflow, it’s a good idea to validate it by simply clicking Validate in the Execute tab. Functions which can be used while debugging are found in the Execute tab and are as follows:

1. Break: Break allows you to pause the debugging process at any given moment. The activity which is being debugged remains highlighted when paused. It is recommended to use Break along with Slow Step so that you know exactly when debugging needs to be paused. This is because activities are highlighted during debugging only when Slow Step is active, or when using Step Into and Step Over.

2. Step Into: This functionality to be used when you want to closely analyze your activities while debugging step-by-step. When this action is triggered, the debugger opens and highlights activities in any container you might have in your workflow, such as flowcharts, sequences, or Invoke Workflow File activities.

3. Step Over: Unlike the Step Into functionality, Step Over does not open the current container. When used, the action debugs the next activity, highlighting containers without opening them. This action comes in handy for skipping analysis of large containers which are unlikely to trigger any issues during execution.

4. Validate: The Validate action ensures that all variables, arguments, and imports are properly configured and used across the workflow. Validation should be one of the first steps to take before executing workflows. You can think of Validate as a simple reminder to check variables, arguments, and imports.

5. Breakpoints: Breakpoints are used to purposely pause the debugging process on an activity which may trigger execution issues. You can place a breakpoint on any activity either by selecting it and clicking the Breakpoints button on the Execution tab. The Remove All Breakpoints option enables you to delete all the breakpoints from the opened project.

6. Slow Step: It enables you to take a closer look at any activity during debugging. While this action is enabled, activities are highlighted in the debugging process. This is similar to using Step Into, but without having to pause the debugging process. Slow Step can be activated both before or during the debugging process. Activating the action does not pause debugging.

answered Mar 29, 2019 by Anvi
• 14,150 points
in the latest version Execute is not there. in that place Debug tab is there and i could not find the validate button over there. can you help me to find it

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