Adding colors to a cell in Tableau

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What I want?

Color code cells in tableau on a particular column based on values from other columns. Is that possible ? 

I know that in general we can use conditional formatting on Excel to do this. But, I wanted to find out if there is a tableau way of achieving this, this helps me automate my report.

So, here is an example, which shows the color-coded Goal_diff_measure1 cells, based on corresponding values from pct_diff_measure1

logic :

pct_diff_measure1> 0 and pct_diff_measure1 <=10, yellow
pct_diff_measure1 >10, red

enter image description here

Aug 30, 2018 in Tableau by Atul
• 10,240 points

1 answer to this question.

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Yes its possible,

Your logic will only color the font but not back ground so try below process.

Instead of using cross tab you need to use columns one by one so that we can manipulate the background colour effectively.

Giving example for one column this you can extend to any number of columns:

Create a calculated field and place 0 and save as Column1.

Place column1 on columns part and then place the pct_diff_measure1 on label of marks of column1.

Replicate the same column 1 to the side of first column and then change the chart type to square, Then in marks increase the size of square to maximum.

Now create a dual axis which will combine square and value

Push marks to front and square to back

Write the conditional formula for colour and place on colour of square.

Repeat the same to all columns.
answered Aug 30, 2018 by Atul
• 10,240 points

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