Does AWS uses openstack

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Does AWS use openstack? Can someone help me with this?
Jan 31, 2019 in OpenStack by Juhu

1 answer to this question.

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No, AWS does not use any publicly available cloud solutions. OpenStack is an open source platform for creating and maintaining the cloud Infrastructure as a Service. It mostly is directly for the private cloud market, where companies or individual users who needs complete control on how their infrastructure is provisioned can use the platform and create their own cloud. AWS is a public cloud provider and uses their own custom solution to do the same and hence they don't use any code from OpenStack and their code base is a closed source.

Hope this helps!

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answered Jan 31, 2019 by Ritwik
The question was what is the custom solution used by AWS is it openstack based or not

Hi@Nick dash,

OpenStack is a product of RedHat. And AWS is a product of Amazon. In AWS you can use their services means you can become a client only. What is running behind the scene, you will not get to know. But in OpenStack is an open-source product. You can install it on top of your base system. And you can research all the internals.

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