How to Get Power BI Embedded Report s Filters Options

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We are trying to hide the native filter panel of the embeded powerbi report, and create a toally new look filter panel aside the embeded powerbi report with ourselves html and js code.

The problem we have is how do we get all the options of a filter? we need to get the options of a filter so that we can populate them on custom filter panel.

I find the powerbi client js sdk as a method "getFilters" of a report, but the filter values is empty unless we check all the options on the powerbi native fitler panel manually.

How can we get any filter available options?
Feb 22, 2022 in Power BI by surbhi
• 3,810 points

1 answer to this question.

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The getFilters function returns the current filters that have been applied to the object (can be a report or a page). As a result, if no filter is used, it will be empty.

The short answer to how to acquire all the choices of a filter section is that it does not exist.

In Power BI, there are two types of filters: Basic and Advanced. Basically, every column in any of the data model's tables can be used as a filter target, even if it isn't used in the visuals. And the filtered values can be any value that is compatible with the data type of the column. As a result, there are numerous, if not infinite, filter combinations.

Instead, you can learn how to create filters and apply them to the report or page. Adding slicers to the report during the report creation step is also a good option.

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answered Feb 22, 2022 by surbhi
• 3,810 points

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