what is difference between elastic IP and public IP

+1 vote
EC2 can be configured with either elastic IP or public IP but I am confused when to use elastic IP and when to use public IP?
Jul 12, 2018 in Cloud Computing by code_ninja
• 6,300 points

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote
  • IP address is used to communicate with the servers or to establish connection between the machines.
  • Difference between elastic IP and public IP
 Public IP Elastic IP
It is assigned to your launched instance.  It is assigned to your AWS account.
when an instance is terminated the public IP attached to it gets released  and further when you relaunch the same instance new IP address is assigned.  Elastic IP do not change and they remain same even if you terminate the instance and later again restart the same instance.
  • Use case:

           Elastic IP is used  when you are working on long time project and configuration of IP sometime consumes more time.                      

           Public IP is used when you are working on small projects and running 2-3 servers. Here in this situation you make use of IP             for short time.

  • Do remember one thing if you have elastic IP in your account and its not in use,then you will be charged for it.    
answered Jul 12, 2018 by ArchanaNagur
• 2,360 points
This is very well answered and to the point. The last point mentioned is very critical to design Elastic IP vs Public IP because it affects the overall cost.
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