How to convert a Integer to Text value in Power BI

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I am creating a calculated column in existing power BI report. the calculated column concatenates integer & text columns. I tried below query which give syntax error to me,

= Number.ToText(table1.[RegionID]) & " " &  table1.[RegionName]

I tried some other conversion methods which were not a success. Someone please guide me how to achieve the above scenario in power bi

Dec 8, 2020 in Power BI by Rajiv
• 8,910 points

1 answer to this question.

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Make sure you have the correct format string.

Try this:

= FORMAT(table1.[RegionID], "#") & " " & table1.[RegionName]

Hope this is helpful. If you are interested in learning Power BI then check out Power BI Course now!

answered Dec 8, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,910 points

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