9 In scala which one of the following will give the top 10 resolutions to the console assuming that sfpdDF is the DataFrame registered as a table - sfpd

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9)In scala, which one of the following will give the top 10 resolutions to the console, assuming that sfpdDF is the DataFrame registered as a table - sfpd?

a. sqlContext.sql("SELECT resolution, count(incidentnum) AS cnt FROM sfpd GROUP BY resolution ORDER BY inccount DESC limit 10")

b. sfpdDF.select("resolution".count.sort($"count".desc).show(10)

c. sfpdDF.groupBy("partition").count.unsort($"count".desc).show(20)

d. sfpdDF.select("parquet").count.sort(S"count".desc).show(10)
Nov 23, 2020 in Apache Spark by ritu
• 960 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hey, @Ritu,

According to the question, the answer should be option a) sqlContext.sql("SELECT resolution, count(incidentnum) AS cnt FROM sfpd GROUP BY resolution ORDER BY inccount DESC limit 10")
answered Nov 23, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,910 points

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