How can I solve it TypeError unsupported operand type s for float and list

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I am trying to calculate numerical integration for each different StepSize.So I used this operator StepSize_list.append(StepSize) 


f = lambda x: 3 * x ** 2 + 2 * x

variable_list = []

initial_value = 1.0
final_value = 3.0
Actual_value = 34

StepSize_list = []

for StepSize in range(50, 250, 50):


    def Integral(L1, L2, STEP):
        delta_value = (L2 - L1) / STEP
        count = 0; Int = 0
        variable_list = []

        for k in range(STEP):
            count = count + delta_value

        for k in range(len(variable_list) - 1):
            Int = Int + delta_value * ((f(L1 + variable_list[k]) + f(L1 + variable_list[k + 1])) /2)

        return Int

Calc_value = Integral(initial_value, final_value,StepSize)
Error = (abs(Actual_value - Calc_value) / Actual_value) * 100

print('Int Result is {} with {} percent Error'.format(Calc_value, Error))

and then I encountered this error:

 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'float' and 'list'

Nov 17, 2020 in Python by asimsek
• 120 points

Hi, @Amisek,

Python doesn’t support arithmetic operation (/,*,+,-) on lists. The operators + and * are list operations.

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