Splitting a Tmap output into several tables based on the value of a column

+1 vote
Splitting a Table into several tables based on the value of a column

|Account  |ID           |
|Account  |Name         |
|Account  |Owner        |
|Contact  |ID           |
|Contact  |Name         |
|Contact  |FirstName    |
|Contact  |LastName     |

I want output in two table like first Account and second Contact.
Account         |
ID |Name |Owner  |

Contact        |
ID |Name |FirstName |LastName  |

I am beginer in taled. Please tell me which component i need to used for above output.
Nov 3, 2020 in Talend by umesh
• 150 points

edited Nov 3, 2020 by umesh 2,128 views

Hi, @Umesh,

Do you need to code for the above query which is mentioned? And which language will be preferable to you?

2 answers to this question.

0 votes

Hi, @Umesh,

Regarding your query, I would suggest you refer to this video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f0i6xKd00o&feature=youtu.be&t=2593

Here all the possible way has been mention to deal with the query you are facing. I hope that helps!!!  

answered Nov 11, 2020 by Richa sharma
Use Tdenormalize
you can use "filter " in map config where you see your multiple  output tables , the icon of filter is the second among each 4 icons that are in yellow header of tmap output tables ;)
0 votes

you can use "filter " in map config where you see your multiple  output tables , the icon of filter is the second among each 4 icons that are in yellow header of tmap output tables ;)

answered Dec 2, 2020 by aminegac
• 570 points
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