How to print prime numbers from 1 to n

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How to print prime number from 1 to n?

Oct 13, 2020 in Python by divyashree
• 120 points

recategorized Oct 13, 2020 by Niroj 2,145 views

1 answer to this question.

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Hello @divyashree

def isPrime(n):

    # Corner case

    if n <= 1 :

        return False

    # check from 2 to n-1

    for i in range(2, n):

        if n % i == 0:

            return False

    return True


# Function to print primes

def printPrime(n):

    for i in range(2, n + 1):

        if isPrime(i):

            print(i, end = " ")


# Driver code

if __name__ == "__main__" :

    n = 7

    # function calling


Hope it helps!!

Thank you!!


answered Oct 13, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,880 points

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