How do I access to a variable inside a function

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I mean,I have

public class MyClass{

   public $variable="myValue";

   protected $rules = [
        'variable' = 'required';

public function render()

    return view('');


public function submit()
      $db = DB::connection ('myConnection')

     $db = DB::select('INSERT INTO my_table (variable) VALUES (:variable)', ['variable'=>$variable]);


But when I execute the script (i have a form and a submit button)

It returns

Error, variable "variable" undefined
Sep 21, 2020 in Laravel by aakash
• 230 points

edited Sep 21, 2020 by Niroj 1,388 views

Hello @aakash,

I guess jQuery  based on the MIME type of the response, so that you can potentially accept JSON or some other format.So try look for that datatype first

I have try that out using this would give I get this error "Has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource." .any idea about this?
To solve this error just add the following script in the beginning of your PHP page which handles the request:

<?php header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); ?>

Thanks it worked to resolve this error but how can I remove 

Error, variable "variable" undefined??

I think you've to use $this->variable

Ahh...great it worked....tysm

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