what is the difference among amazon inspector vs trusted advisor vs cloudwatch vs Personal Health Dashboard vs AWS cloudtrail

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Hi dear community,

These below amazon concepts are confusing to me, I do not get to establish the key difference among them at once: Amazon inspector vs trusted advisor vs cloudwatch vs Personal Health Dashboard vs AWS cloud trail.

Could you help me to get clarity in the key difference among them?

Thank you very much in advance

Sep 20, 2020 in AWS by Edureka
• 160 points

1 answer to this question.

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All the services have their own use case. I am suggesting you search individual one and you will get the official document of AWS. For example, amazon inspector is used for security purposes, CloudWatch is used to monitor system-level logs, AWS CloudTrail is used for speed or edge computing, etc

answered Sep 21, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points

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