I m getting the error net ERR CONNECTION REFUSED

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after hosting my laravel website on hostinger, images are not loading on my website. I am encountering the above errors. please help
Aug 21, 2020 in Web Development by sodash
• 160 points
Hi, @Sodash,
You have two options for checking the status of the website: the classic way is to try and access other sites. If these can be loaded without the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error message, this is a clear sign of a server-side problem on the actual target page.
Hello Rashmi

Thanks for your response!! Actually this is not my concern i did that already but still not resolved.

How the picture from a local folder inside views i can call from?

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote
Best answer

Hello @ sodash,

Try to edit .env APP_URL to your actual domain name  so that it would make your connection successfully.

Hope it works!!
Thank you!!

answered Aug 24, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,880 points

selected Aug 25, 2020 by sodash
Hello niroj

Thanks....you saved me!

how are you generating that image url

i'm calling the picture from a local folder inside views using "http://localhost/sodashimunger/resources/views/images/1976.jpg"

Hello @sodash,

Use url () function to generate url.

0 votes

Is your image file is located inside the public folder?
answered Aug 21, 2020 by Rashmi
Yes, is there any other option we have to store image there to be public and its by default public anyway. I have try many way but still cant able to resolve the error net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.help?


If the image file is located inside the public folder then you need to add asset() which give the full path of the image.

yes i have done that already but still not resolved
Hey, @Sodash,

I'm trying to replicate your query on my system, I will post the solution here once I fetch something.
Yeah sure.....gald if i get any help from here

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