How can i insert data in relation table using model

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i have a two table 1).customers (id,name,address)
and 2nd table Orders(id,item,price,Customers_id)

This is my model

This is my controller

Any help please?

Aug 21, 2020 in Java-Script by Alisha
• 140 points
Hi, @Alisha,

Insert first in customers table and with the insert id, then insert in the orders table.
but i wanted to have data inserted from model how can that be possible?

1 answer to this question.

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Hello @Alisha,

Try to work using the model and not the DB, there are many features that you loose because of it.
$user->order()->create( $arrayOfdata)

Hope it works!!
Thank you!!

answered Aug 24, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,840 points
Thank you for your help

Can you say me which code i have to write in contoller so my data add in customer and order table?

Hello @Alisha,

The code change depending of the type of relationship, 1-1, n-n, 1-n. so there is no specific code, it will be customized according to user requirement

Yes sir but how can i use will u please solve it i tried lot but cant find solution or any doc you can refer would be great

You can find all the details depending of the type of relationship, 1-1, n-n, 1-n here:

Hope it helps!!

Thank you so much.....

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