I get this error Trying to get property of non-object How to fix it

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I have two tables, users and grades.

users table

    public function up()
        Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

grades table

    public function up()
        Schema::create('grades', function (Blueprint $table) {

 I save id of grade with json_encode,


I save in field like this

        $user->grade_id = json_encode($request->input('grade_id'));

I want to return the grade name but I did not solve my problem


    public function index()
        $grades = Grade::all();
        return view('index', compact('grades');


    public function grade()
        return $this->belongsTo(Grade::class);


    @if(isset(auth()->user()->grade_id)  && !empty(auth()->user()->grade_id))
        $grade = json_decode(auth()->user()->grade->name, true);
        @foreach($grade as $key=>$item)
                <div class="grade">{{ $grade[$key] }}</div>

I get this errpr

> Trying to get property of non-object
Aug 16, 2020 in Laravel by aakash
• 230 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hello @aakash,

If you want to save grades as json then don't save it as foreign key in users tables. 

In users tables you can use grade as json column which does as your expectations. 

Hope it helps!!

Thank you!!

answered Aug 17, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,880 points
Hello niroj

Thanks for this solution man.....much appreciated

Can I use another table as 'user_grades' and then use grade_id and user_id as columns?

Hello @aakash,

I understand your consern so I highly recommend you to use another table as 'user_grades' and then use grade_id and user_id as columns
In future if you want to search or analyse any users having some grade then it might be difficult with JSON column unless your very familiar with JSON columns

if I run php artisan serve my app works fine
but if I try to access http://localhost/projects/laravel/public/ it doesn't work How to fix this?

Hello @aakash,

Laravel loads from the  public folder so localhost is already public by default.

Yeah I also try it but doesn't work

I think the problem is the .htaccess try to toggle around this. Hope it works now

Sure that can be other way can you look this snippet once which is causing the error


php artisan cache:clear

ohh yes...it worked thanxx man for help

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