How to select columns containing specific text in R

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Hi to all,

I have data like this in table

IND snp1 snp2 snp3 snp4 snp5
1 A/G T/T T/C G/C G/G
2 A/A C/C G/G G/G A/A
3 T/T G/G C/C C/C T/T

and I wish to select only snp1,snp3, and snp4 containing different letters combinations like A/G, T/C AND G/C. can anyone help me to select only those columns? any help in this regard is highly appreciated

Thanks in advance

Aug 7, 2020 in Data Analytics by tomato
• 120 points

edited Aug 7, 2020 by MD 3,112 views

1 answer to this question.

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You can use the select method to extract particular columns and rows. According to your dataset, you can use the below-given code.

> df
  IND snp1 snp2 snp3 snp4 snp5
1   1  A/G  T/T  T/C  G/C  G/G
2   2  A/A  C/C  G/G  G/G  A/A
3   3  T/T  G/G  C/C  C/C  T/T

> select(df, snp1,snp3,snp4)[1,1:3]
  snp1 snp3 snp4
1  A/G  T/C  G/C

I hope this will give you the approach.

answered Aug 7, 2020 by MD
• 95,440 points

Thanks for sharing your time to help me. Yes i can do that using select function but my case is different i have 20,000 columns and i do not which column contains this type of character (A/T,A/G,A/C,T/A,T/G,T/C,G/A,G/T,G/C,C/A,C/T,C/G), first i need identify columns containing these characters A/T,A/G,A/C,T/A,T/G,T/C,G/A,G/T,G/C,C/A,C/T,C/G in my data file and extracting them into different file. I hope i explained well. once again thanks lot for your help.
i tried this code to extract rows containing specific text across columns

collist <- c("SNP1","SNP2","SNP3","SNP4","SNP5")
sel <- apply(red[,collist],1,function(row) length(grep("T/C",row))>0)

now i want extract columns containing "T/C" across columns SNP1 to SNP5 and i applied function like this

sel <- apply(red[,collist],2,function(cols) length(grep("A/G",cols))>0)

but this is not working for me to get required out put i.e. snp3. can anyone help to sort this out?

thanks in advance for your help

Can you explain your query a little bit more?
Dear MD

good morning

what ever you did is right and i can give column numbers if my data is small but now i have more than 20000 columns and i do not know which columns of my data having these  this type of character (A/T,A/G,A/C,T/A,T/G,T/C,G/A,G/T,G/C,C/A,C/T,C/G. i would like to mention columns containing these characters instead of column numbers and able to subset those columns only having above characters..

I hope i explained well

Thanks in advance


You need to create your own customized script. Like your script will check every column and search your pattern if it matches then append the column name in a list otherwise it will skip that column.

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