Project Cost Reporting - What costs are captured

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I'm in the process of trying to consolidate what costs projects typically capture within our organization, and thought I would ask the community at large what costs they gather and report on.

For instance, as our projects are responsible for the entire costs of running a PM office/ team, things like salaries, training, accommodation, employee benefits, etc. are paid for by the project aside from the actual acquisition costs of what it is they are procuring.
Aug 7, 2020 in PMP by anonymous
• 19,610 points

1 answer to this question.

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Fixed, variable & overhead would be the normal categories that are part of the budget for many of the clients I've supported.

 For others, it is just directly attributable ones (i.e. Fixed & Variable) and overhead costs are addressed through operational budgets. 

I tend to find the former is common in the strong matrix or project-oriented structures whereas the latter is more common in functional, weak, or balanced matrix contexts. 

Hope this helps!

answered Aug 7, 2020 by Kiron

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