Difference between hyperledger fabric and sawtooth

+14 votes
Hyperledger fabric and Sawtooth are platforms for building distributed ledger applications, supporting pluggable consensus and chaincodes. What are the main differences between the two of them?
Jun 19, 2018 in Blockchain by Christine
• 15,790 points

5 answers to this question.

+3 votes
Best answer
answered Aug 29, 2018 by Anurag

selected Aug 29, 2018 by Omkar
+2 votes

The key difference is that hyperledger sawtooth supports both permissioned and permissionless blockchain networks whereas Hyperledger Fabric support only permissioned blockchain networks. On the basis of that, there are other differences based on parameters like consensus, the type of network, security, privacy etc.

answered Jun 19, 2018 by Johnathon
• 9,090 points
+2 votes

Hyperledger Sawtooth supports both permissioned and permissionless blockchain implementation whereas Hyperledger Fabric support only permissioned blockchain implementation.

answered Aug 29, 2018 by Kots
+2 votes
answered Aug 29, 2018 by Pawan
+1 vote

Thanks for bringing up this discussion!

In my opinion, Hyperledger Sawtooth supports both permissioned and permissionless blockchain implementation whereas Hyperledger Fabric support only permissioned blockchain implementation.

Hyperledger Fabric is a distributed ledger platform that delivers resiliency, scalability, flexibility and confidentiality. Hyperledger Fabric enrolls members via a trusted membership service provider. Hyperledger Sawtooth can be configured to operate as a public network.

Here is the article I came across which explains every detail about hyperledger. Click here to learn more.

Hyperledger Sawtooth Architecture 

sawtooth arch

Hyperledger Fabric Architecture 

fabric arch

Hope you enjoy this read. Always open for discussion.

answered Jul 11, 2019 by anonymous
• 160 points

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