Can someone show me how to include this javascript file into my wordpress plugin?. I have tried all the wp_enqeue_script() methods but nothing happens.
ok here is my example plugin code with comments explaining what I would like.
Plugin Name: niroj Test
Plugin URI:
Description: A plugin that is used for my javascript tests
Author: niroj Dey
Author URI:
version: 1.001
/*when I include it this way, it works fine, but gives an error when I activate the plugin
'plugin generated 453 characters ...'
function popup() {
$src = plugins_url('popup.js', __FILE__);
wp_register_script( 'popup', $src );
wp_enqueue_script( 'popup' );
when I included it this way, plugin is activated but nothing happens.
So does anybody know how to call this script to work correctly in wordpress plugin?