R vs MATLAB which is better with respect to machine learning

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I am new to machine learning and would want to start learning a language to implement machine learning concepts. So, between R and MATLAB which is better?
Apr 4, 2018 in Data Analytics by nirvana
• 3,130 points

3 answers to this question.

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In my perspective R is better than MATLAB because:

  • R provides better data-structures than MATLAB. MATLAB only provides a basic array and hence it becomes difficult to work with numerical values in MATLAB.
  • R is the lingua franca for data science i.e. R provides numerous packages for the purpose of machine learning, data science, time series analysis and predictive modeling.
  • R provides both object oriented and functional programming paradigms.

Hope this helps!

If you need to know more, join Machine Learning certification course today.

Thank you!

answered Apr 4, 2018 by anonymous
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R is mainly used for statistical analysis or data processing. R provides many packages which can do anything and everything with the data. Its faster compared to MATLAB but has complex syntax and coding is a little complicated.
answered Dec 5, 2018 by Kalgi
• 52,350 points
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Both are a good programming language you can learn any one but R-programming is best for machine learning because R is based on object-oriented programming it has any inbuild pre-define class, library and package are available. by using this class can any easily implement the program. One more thing R-programming is an extension of c++.

If you are interested to learn machine learning then I will suggest you can join Machine Learning With Live Project. because they give the opportunity to work on the live project. the industry likes to hire those students they have some working experience.
answered Apr 12, 2019 by SA
• 1,090 points

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