What s the difference between the OpenStack Networking neutron and the Legacy Networking nova-network

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Hi Guys,

I am new in OpenStack. After doing some research I came to know there are two types of network in OpenStack. What is the use of these two different network?

Thank You

Mar 18, 2020 in OpenStack by akhtar
• 38,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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It depends on your requirement. Let's discuss one by one.

Nova-network support

Nova-network is the simplest networking solution, which has limited capabilities but is available on any OpenStack deployment without the need to deploy any additional components.

When a new murano environment is created, murano checks if a dedicated networking service, for example, neutron, exists in the current OpenStack deployment. It relies on the Identity service catalog for that. If such a service is not present, murano automatically falls back to nova-network. No further configuration is needed in this case, all the VMs spawned by Murano will be joining the same network.

Neutron support

If neutron is installed, murano enables its advanced networking features that give you the ability to avoid configuring networks for your application.

By default, it creates an isolated network for each environment and joins all VMs needed by your application to that network. To install and configure the application in a newly spawned virtual machine, murano also requires a router to be connected to the external network.

Hope this will help you.

Thank You

answered Mar 18, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points

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