Instance is not pingable from outside in OpenStack

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Hi Guys,

I launched an instance in OpenStack. I added Ingress and Egress rule properly, but still I am not able to ping to my instance. Is there any issue with firewall or any other thing?

Thank You

Mar 17, 2020 in OpenStack by akhtar
• 38,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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There is nothing wrong. But when you launch an instance in OpenStack, it always launch in Host Only Mode. For that you have to assign gateway floating ip etc. But if you want to ping without doing all this thing you can do. For that you have to be a part of that same router. Follow the below given steps.

  • list out your instance's router id.

$ ip netns 
  • Be a part of that router
$ ip netns exec id of the router bash 

Hope you can ping your instance after this.

Thank You

answered Mar 17, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points

To access Linux Network namespace it should be ip netns not ip netfs, @Admin please correct to ip netns.

To check Ping connectivity follow below command :

ip netns exec id-of-router ping ip-of-instance 

If you still not able to ping to your instance then, please the Network topology. whether you have properly created the private N/W. also do check log of neutron server also. 

Yes, bmangesh you are right. There was a mistake in typing.

Thank You for your contribution.
I'm in the same situation. I added a provider network and now I cannot reach my instances due to traffic not getting back successfully. Performed the "ip netns exec <router with floating ips> bash". I see all the floating IP's and routing table has the default gw as expected but I cannot ping it.

[root@openstack ~]# netstat -rn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface         UG        0 0          0 qg-695b54d0-a7

Not sure how to troubleshoot futher (looking where the qg-695b54d0-a7 is connected - br-ex ??)


Did you add a rule for SNAT and DNAT in your routing table? If you are using a Linux system, then you can add in your iptables.

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