How to get an internship at IBM

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I have just started my 4th year of B.Tech in Computer Science and I am looking forward to apply for internship at some good IT firm like IBM. Can anyone suggest how can I get an internship at IBM?
Sep 6, 2019 in Career Counselling by Anamika

edited Sep 6, 2019 3,378 views
Why do you want an internship at IBM only?? There are so many other good companies...
Hahaha! I did my internship from IBM. It was not worth it. My suggestion, if your interning to gain knowledge and experience, better go for a startup.

3 answers to this question.

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Hey Anamika, IBM offers internships to BE or B.Tech students of Computer Science, IT, Electrical, Electronics, and Management stream. IBM Research Labs India (IRL) provide summer research opportunities every year. You can apply for this internship program through following ways:

  • Campus Recruitment: IBM visits some reputed colleges across India for hiring interns. If your college has tie up with IBM, then you can apply through this option. 
  • Apply on company website: You can directly apply on the IBM website. You can filter for your desired location and field.
  • Through a referral: If you know someone who works at IBM, ask them to provide you a referral. This will gets you a telephonic or face to face interview.

If you apply directly online then you would be asked to upload your resumes. Following the initial screening based on the resume and application, a telephonic interview or an online aptitude test (IPAT) is scheduled. You need to clear this test to qualify for face to face interview. 

answered Sep 9, 2019 by Pratibha
0 votes

You should check out IBM Extreme Blue: IBM Extreme Blue internship experience

Extreme Blue is one of IBM's internship program for both graduate and undergraduate students; it also serves as a placement opportunity for future IBM employment due to the significant effort put into placement of the interns.

All the best!

answered Sep 9, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
0 votes
@Anamiks, Just like any other internships, you can either apply in their company website,  referral, campus placements, external job/internship websites such as internshala, muse, etc.

You will need basic qualification as pursuing a degree in BE/B. Tech in CS/IT/EC/TC/IS fields.
answered Sep 9, 2019 by anonymous
• 33,030 points
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