How does Burpsuite help modify browser requests

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Can someone tell me how burpsuite allows someone to modify the request being made from the browser? I have seen in a lot of videos that when using Burpsuite, the request from the browser can be changed and then sent to the server. How does this work? I am new to this field, I am sorry if this question is silly.
Aug 22, 2019 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Iva

1 answer to this question.

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While using Burpsuite, you have to use a proxy on your browser. A proxy is an intermediate point for the traffic. So when you make a request from the browser, the request is sent to burpsuite first. Burpsuite captures this request/traffic and allows the user to modify the data. After that, the request is forwarded to the webserver. Burpsuite acts as an intermediate that captures requests and allow modification. And that's how it modify browser requests.
answered Aug 22, 2019 by Jishan

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