A Feature File is an entry point to the Cucumber tests. This is a file where you will describe your tests in Descriptive language.
A feature file can contain a scenario or can contain many scenarios in a single feature file but it usually contains a list of scenarios.
here's how you can create such a file:
1) On the Feature folder Right click and select New > File

2) In order for Cucumber to automatically detect the stories (or features, as they’re known in Cucumber), you need to make sure that they carry the ‘.feature‘ file extension. For example, in this case, I’ve named my user story ‘LogIn_Test.feature‘. Every ‘.feature‘ file conventionally consists of a single feature.

3) Write the first cucumber script. In BDD terms the scenario would look like the following.
Cucumber Test Script
Feature: Login Action
Scenario: Successful Login with Valid Credentials
Given User is on Home Page
When User Navigate to LogIn Page
And User enters UserName and Password
Then Message displayed Login Successfully
Scenario: Successful LogOut
When User LogOut from the Application
Then Message displayed LogOut Successfully
Note: This is a simple test in Cucumber.