How can I synchronize smart contract on blockchain

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Imagine a smart contract getting triggered by a transaction and as a result it sends another txn. How is this code executed? If each node will execute code there is going to be lot same transactions with only possible difference between the timestamp. How can this be avoided??
May 29, 2018 in Blockchain by Johnathon
• 9,090 points

1 answer to this question.

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This is how it is on Blockchain.

The nodes are competing to be the first to commit the block of transactions to the existing chain. Then all other nodes receive that block and store it with the rest of their chain data.

So, even if there are temporary differences between independent nodes they are still only storing the same transaction. And the record of transaction is made of the sum of total of all the data All txns are not committed immediately when you submit them.

They are placed into a list of pending txns, along with their accompanying gas. Those txns that sent along a higher accompanying fee will be selected for inclusion into the block being currently mined.

answered May 29, 2018 by Perry
• 17,100 points

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