How can I solve this flowchart using UiPath Studio

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I believe I will get the solution from Edureka.

Please anyone can give me solution of this Flowchart using uipath studio. It's very important for me.Please upload the solution with .xml file.

Jul 11, 2019 in RPA by RS
• 120 points

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

Hi RS, I tried to create a workflow for your problem, but it seems your flowchart isn't much clear to me. Can you please explain which all steps are required and in proper order. Like the 1st step says, Open CSV File. So should it open any random file from a folder and how to check for a csv list? I mean does that file type should be .csv or the file should contain some sort of csv list? Please explain your required steps better.

answered Jul 12, 2019 by Abha
• 28,140 points
Hello Abha,


Suppose I have folder and it's have a few files. I have also csv file and it's have a file name list. So from the csv each file name list  match with file folder then go to step 5 and works few step and again check in the list for next row and its match with the file name and it's works few step until it's end,  else go to step 4 to 5. then complete any type of another few steps. After that again check file folder have any file to check with csv file list if yes then go to step 2 and if no then it is close. Please upload a .xml file for this.


Hey RS, you can try using Application Scope activity and ForEach loop to achieve your workflow.

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