How to change the datatype of any field in an external dataset in R

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How to change the datatype of any field in an external dataset in R?
Jun 28, 2019 in Data Analytics by Anand

1 answer to this question.

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Hi Anand,

Try as below -

class(dataset/dataframe$col_name) <- "data type"

For Ex: Below code would change the datatype of Sepal. Length to an integer.

data = datasets::iris

class(data$Sepal.Length) <- "integer"

Here new data type should be given that can take the domain of already existing elements in the column.

Such as Numeric -> integer/character but the reverse is not always possible.

Check the validity of the datatype and accordingly change the datatype.
answered Jun 28, 2019 by anonymous
• 33,030 points

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