StackExchange Redis with Azure Redis shows error

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I'm moving all of my existing Azure In-Role cache use to Redis and decided to use the Azure Redis preview along with the StackExchange.Redis library ( I wrote all the code for it without much problem, but when running it is absolutely unusably slow and constantly throws timeout errors (my timeout period is set to 15 seconds).

Here is the relevant code for how I am setting up the Redis connection and using it for simple operations:

private static ConnectionMultiplexer _cacheService;
    private static IDatabase _database;
    private static object _lock = new object();

    private void Initialize()
        if (_cacheService == null)
            lock (_lock)
                if (_cacheService == null)
                    var options = new ConfigurationOptions();
                    options.EndPoints.Add("{my url}", 6380);
                    options.Ssl = true;
                    options.Password = "my password";
                    // needed for FLUSHDB command
                    options.AllowAdmin = true;

                    // necessary?
                    options.KeepAlive = 30;
                    options.ConnectTimeout = 15000;
                    options.SyncTimeout = 15000;

                    int database = 0;

                    _cacheService = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options);
                    _database = _cacheService.GetDatabase(database);


    public void Set(string key, object data, TimeSpan? expiry = null)
        if (_database != null)
            _database.Set(key, data, expiry: expiry);

    public object Get(string key)
        if (_database != null)
            return _database.Get(key);
        return null;

Performing very simple commands like Get and Set often time out or take 5-10 seconds to complete. Seems like it kind of negates the whole purpose of using it as a cache if it's WAY slower than actually fetching the real data from my database :)

Am I doing anything obviously incorrect?

Jun 28, 2019 in Azure by sabby
• 4,390 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hey, check out the Azure Redis Cache documentation

This is what I found:

private static Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer> lazyConnection = new Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer>(() => {
    return ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(",abortConnect=false,ssl=true,password=...");

public static ConnectionMultiplexer Connection {
    get {
        return lazyConnection.Value;

Hope it helps!

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Thank you!!

answered Jun 28, 2019 by Perry
• 17,100 points

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