Education after Bachelor Of Engineer for java developer

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Hi All,

I have completed my bachelor of engineer and currently i am working as java developer in company. I want to do further study as i want to stick with java development but i am confused what to do next ?

Note:- i have option to do certification  in respective skills or technology but i want to do some sort of education in field which satisfied my education / degree requirement as well as my certification requirement or more education /degree requirement and side by side i will complete my respective certification which help me to build my career better than current.

Can any one guide me in this case.
Jun 12, 2019 in Career Counselling by anonymous

1 answer to this question.

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As you have mentioned that you are working as a Java developer in your current firm, you have several ways to be the master in your profession as well as can carry out with your higher studies. Some of the suggestions you can follow are:

You can opt for a Master Degree in Computer Science, Computer Information System. Java is used in several technical applications, such as for websites, computer animation, Big Data. You can find Java programming courses in graduate degree programs, such as Master of Science in Software Engineering or Master of Science in Software Design and Programming.

These degree programs incorporate Java into their curriculum to explain object-oriented programming, For example: how applets are used and how Java is used in various applications. Post-master's degree certificates in Java software development are also available. Many graduate degree programs in this field require you to have some basic capability in Java programming as part of their admissions requirements. 

You can also go for online courses as many colleges have started an online master degree program. You may also take advantage of programs that offer combinations of educational materials and opportunities, where you can split your time between current job and online learning. 

You can also try Android Development because the technology is based on Java, so you can integrate your knowledge and develop a mobile application project end to end. You can pick up a different domain to work with Java so that you can utilize your knowledge in following technologies listed below:

  • Big Data
  • Microservices
  • Blockchain
  • AI and machine learning
  • Angular
  • Java 9
  • Spring Framework

 After getting certified in your Masters in Java can help you expand your job opportunities and show employers your expertise in the field.

answered Jun 13, 2019 by Gitika
• 65,770 points
Yes thank you for your input.

I will go though it in detail with respect to the syllabus which help me to build my career with java and aws.

God bless you. Keep up the good work.
You are welcome, good luck with your career ahead.

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