Hey Deepak, to create a Test Case with TestNG in Selenium, follow these steps:
Press Ctrl+N or Right click on Test Case folder, select “TestNG Class” under TestNG category and click Next:

Set Class name as ‘TestNG‘. Under Annotations, check “@BeforeMethod”, “@AfterMethod” and click Finish. That’s it.

Now it will display the newly created TestNg class under the Test Case package(folder). Project explorer will look like this with TestNG class.

Now write the first TestNG test case. You can divide the test case into three parts:
@BeforeMethod : Launch Firefox and direct it to the Base URL
@Test : Enter Username & Password to Login, Print console message and Log out
@AfterMethod : Close Firefox browser.

Run the test by right click on the test case script and select Run As > TestNG Test.
Give it few minutes to complete the execution, once it is finished the results will look like this in the TestNg Result window.

TestNG also produce HTML reports. To access those reports go to the Project directory and open test-output folder.