What are the most commonly used frameworks in automation testing

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May 13, 2019 in Selenium by Hina

edited May 13, 2019 1,050 views

1 answer to this question.

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Hey Hina, some of the most commonly used frameworks in automation testing are:

1. Linear Automation Framework: It's the simplest framework, which is also known as “Record & Playback Framework”. Due to its simple architecture, testers can easily record each and every step manually like navigation, user inputs, checkpoints etc. These recorded scripts can be played in a sequential fashion with little or no modifications aligning to test case requirements. This framework is best suited for test scenarios where there is a need to repeat the same processes several times. Some examples include order management systems, record management etc.

2. Data-Driven Framework: In this framework, each test case is observed as a function call to which data is inserted from an external source (Excel, Text, CSV, ODBC sources, etc.), so it is possible to run the same test case with different sets of test data. In Data-driven framework, the application UI can be automated using Selenium test script with C#. Most of the time, the database is in tabular form, stored in Microsoft Excel. To use Selenium test script, Apache POI library can be used in which you need to download JAR files and add them to the project library. 

3. Keyword-Driven Framework: In Keyword-driven framework, keywords and data tables are needed to be developed which are independent of test automation tools for the test case. Each test script is observed as a keyword prompted action and the test data directs the testing here. The tools that widely use this framework are HP UFT (formerly known as HP QTP), Selenium, and Robot Framework. This framework is suitable for scenarios that consider lots of keyword search cases such as web or browser testing, e-commerce testing etc.

4. Modular Testing Framework: In this framework, testers divide an application into separate units, which gets tested in isolated modules. A test script is created for each individual module and then combined to build a larger test in a hierarchical fashion. Tools like Tellurium, GUIdancer etc works on the same framework. This framework can be very useful in Healthcare and IT Industry where you need to implement automation on various modules.

5. Hybrid Testing Framework: This framework is a combination of more than one framework. It is set up to combine the advantages and moderate the weaknesses of all the associated frameworks. This framework can be easily adapted to get better results. This framework can be used to get the desired benefits as per the requirements.

Hope this helps!

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answered May 13, 2019 by Abha
• 28,140 points

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