Pandas Print rows if value greater than some value

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Hi. I have a dataframe that contains the name of a student in one column and that student's score in another column. I want to print the details of the students whose score is greater than 80. What logic should I use for this?
May 9, 2019 in Python by Richa

1 answer to this question.

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You can use condition checking for this. Just use the column name and check the condition as follows:

df[df.Score > 80]
answered May 9, 2019 by Reshma
What if my column name has a space in it?
Hey, @Adam,

On what perspective you asking your doubt? Kindly elaborate your query. In the above case, the condition was applied to the elements inside the column neither on the particular column name.

 Are you asking regarding how can you sort the column name if there are two words like name and surname?

Please let me know what exactly you are looking for.

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