Django forms in ReactJs

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Is there any way I can use Django forms inside a ReactJS script, like include {{ form }} in the JSX file?

I have a view which displays a form and it is rendered using React. When I load this page from one page the data in these fields should be empty, but when I hit this view from another page I want the date to be prefilled in this form. I know how to do this using Django forms and form views, but I am clueless where to bring in React.
Apr 30, 2019 in Python by ana1504.k
• 7,910 points

2 answers to this question.

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The {{ form }} statement is relative to Django template. Django templates responsible for rendering HTML and so do React, so you don't have to mix the two together.

What you probably want to do is to use the django form validation mechanism server side, et let React render the form client side. In your django view, simply return a json object that you can use in your React code to initialize your form component.

Hope it helps!!

For more information about React, We highly recommend to join React JS Training online today.

Thank You!

answered Apr 30, 2019 by SDeb
• 13,300 points
0 votes
Did you ever find a solution for this? It seems to me it is a very valid use case, but I cant find any lib out there that helps with this. Maybe this is a space for a new open source lib.
answered Feb 6, 2020 by martin

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