How to install UiPath Orchestrator on an Azure App Service platform

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How to install UiPath Orchestrator on an Azure App Service platform?
Apr 2, 2019 in RPA by Jason

1 answer to this question.

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Hey @Jason, to install UiPath Orchestrator on an Azure App Service, perform the following steps:

1. In the Azure Portal, under App Services, create a new app service with a custom name such as UiPathOrchestrator

2. Set the database connection string in the Application Settings of the web app, with the name "Default". For example: 

Server=;Initial Catalog=UiPath;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=dbUser;Password=pass123; MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True; Connection Timeout=30;TrustServerCertificate=True

3. Select the app and, in the Overview tab, click Get Publish Profile. The [appservicename].PublishSettings file is downloaded.

4. Download the archive and run the 

Publish-Orchestrator.ps1 script 

in PowerShell, as follows:

Publish-Orchestrator.ps1 `
-action Deploy `
-package "path/to/package" `
-publishSettingsPath "path/to/publishSettings" `

This procedure generates two files:



5. Store the AzurePublishParameters.json file to a preferred location, as you need it for future deployments.

6. Open the AzureApplicationSettings.json file with a text editor such as Notepad++.

7. Copy all the information present in the AzureApplicationSettings.json file to the Azure Portal, in the Application settings tab, under the App settings section.

8. Start the Orchestrator app service. Enjoy using Orchestrator on your Azure Portal.

Hope this helps!!

If you need to know more about Azure, enroll with Microsoft Azure training course today.

Thank you!!

answered Apr 2, 2019 by Abha
• 28,140 points
can someone please provide a link to

Hey, to get the download link of UiPath Orchestrator zip file, you first have to create a service request by Uipath Support. You can contact Technical Support team for getting zip file from here:

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