What is the difference between relative and absolute XPath

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I was using XPath for locating an element and came to know there are two kinds of XPath. Can someone help me distinguish between them and tell me as which of the two is better for testing purpose?
Dec 19, 2018 in Selenium by Jino
• 5,820 points

3 answers to this question.

+1 vote

Absolute Xpath: It contains the complete path from the Root Element to the desire element.

Relative Xpath: This is more like starting simply by referencing the element you want and go from the particular location.

You use always the Relative Path for testing of an element. The reason behind that is if you make any architectural change in the website the change won't effect the testing or selecting of the element.

Hope this information was what you were looking for. For more details about test automation strategies and methodology, You can get a better understanding with the Automation testing training.

answered Dec 20, 2018 by Nabarupa
0 votes

Relative - the element is positioned relative to its normal position. Absolute - the element is positioned absolutely to its first positioned parent. Fixed - the element is positioned related to the browser window.

answered Dec 16, 2020 by Roshni
• 10,480 points
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Absolute XPath:

It is the direct way to find the element, but the disadvantage of the absolute XPath is that if there are any changes made in the path of the element then that XPath gets failed.

The key characteristic of XPath is that it begins with the single forward slash(/) ,which means you can select the element from the root node.

Relative Xpath:

Relative Xpath starts from the middle of HTML DOM structure. It starts with double forward slash (//). It can search elements anywhere on the webpage, means no need to write a long xpath and you can start from the middle of HTML DOM structure. Relative Xpath is always preferred as it is not a complete path from the root element.

Hope this helps!

Want to learn more about Xpath? Enroll for the Selenium course today!

answered Dec 16, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points

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