Would it be possible to pause an ECS service instead of deleting it

+3 votes
I wish to stop it pause and ECS Service, so I can stop it from creating new instances
Mar 27, 2018 in Cloud Computing by brat_1
• 7,200 points

edited Mar 27, 2018 by brat_1 2,401 views

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote
Yes, it is possible, by adjusting your service configuration to match your current number of running tasks. For example, if you currently have 3 running tasks in your service, you'd configure the service with minimum healthy percent as 100 and maximum percent as 100
answered Mar 27, 2018 by code_ninja
• 6,300 points
0 votes

You can accomplish a "pause" by adjusting your service configuration to match your current number of running tasks. For example, if you currently have 3 running tasks in your service, you'd configure the service as below:


This tells the service:

  • The number of tasks I want is [current-count]
  • I want you to maintain at least [current-count]
  • I don't want more than [current-count

These combined effectively halt your service from making any changes.

answered Oct 11, 2018 by findingbugs
• 4,780 points

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