Can t Access Kura Web UI - HTTP ERROR 404

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I'm unable to access the Eclipse Kura web UI. I've tried and tried, but no matter what I do, I've only been getting HTTP ERROR: 404 error. I'm attaching a screenshot for the same.

Please help if anybody knows what's going on or wrong?

Nov 21, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Bharani
• 4,660 points

edited Nov 21, 2018 by Bharani 1,564 views

1 answer to this question.

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Hey, relax! This is so common that I almost laugh over it now. This issue is most probably with the Kura you have installed. It must be without the web ui. 

If you check out the official download page again, you'll see in its right column that says Kura 1.3.0 Extended Downloads and here's what its description says:

The below downloads contain the Kura Web UI, [...] These features, while released under Eclipse Public License, depend on third party libraries that cannot be distributed directly by Eclipse.

So, all you'll need to do is go back and download the suitable version this time (and Developer Workspace) from that right column and reinstall this version of Kura with the web ui.

And, if you think your installed version is already the one with the web ui, then you'll have to share your /var/log/kura.log and /var/log/kura-console.log as they really help in finding and resolving such errors.

answered Nov 21, 2018 by DataKing99
• 8,250 points

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